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Just before the weekend I would like to share a bit of my thoughts with you. Maybe you sometimes feel that you want to do something, wich you think is important for you, for your growth, but you make up a ton of excuses why it is not possible. That little voice that holds you back.

This is what happened to me with ballet. For a long time I wanted to do ballet, because I knew that it would make my general dance technique better. But I made up many reasons why I shouldn’t, like for example:

“I will be very annoying in the class, there will be only very good dancers and they will feel irritated by my low level” or “Everybody will watch me and think I am doing a bad job” and “I am not the ballet type, with my voluptuous body” or “I don’t need ballet, I am already a good dancer in my field” and many more reasons…

In my vlog this week I share my story of my learning process. Bottom line, it is about: Just do it, concistantly, embrace the process, it’s about your progress not your perfection. Always stay open and learn new things.

And if you are open to learn new things and stretch your knowledge and skills to a higher level, I would be honored to be your teacher and coach, at the online Create Your Amazing Drumsolo course, that starts Otcober 10th at 10 o clock.

You will learn many new things in a very modern way. This is what you can expect to know and be able to do after following this course:

  • A deep knowledge of the Middle- Eastern rhythms
  • A whole vocabulary of movements that goes with the specific rhythms
  • How to enter and leave the stage in the most effective way
  • How to use the stage
  • How to use dynamics in your dancing
  • A much more developped musicality
  • A more precise bellydance technique by drilling and practicing for many hours.
  • Knowledge about different Middle Eastern folkloric styles and movements
  • Creating your own choreograpies
  • Being able to do instant choreographies
  • A dancers mindset.

The course exists of 50 % theory and 50% practice. There is a printable workbook that can accompany you, there are quizzes a very helpful Facebook community and weekly Live Q & A sessions.

Once you have ordered the course you will have a life long access. You can join every new round again (with no extra costs) and I will always be adding more and updated content

Click here to take a look at the Create Your Amazing Drumsolo page and see how this course can help you.

I look forward to have you joining this wonderful learning experience.

Enjoy your weekend!

Blessings and shimmies,


PS: The CYAD page will close down on October 9th at 10 PM GMT+2. I don’t know when or if I will do a next round and what will be the price.