Hello lovely lady,

as dancers we can be so focussed on our dance technique to get our skills to a higher level. That is an amazing thing and it is very important. I am even going to come up with a Shimmy and Layer training bundle. About this I will tell you more on Tuesday, on my birthday.

Today I want to share a thought with you, a concept that you can think about whenever you create dance or you are performing. It’s the concept about using your head, heart and belly when you are dancing.

When you are aligning the power of these three body parts it can help you to improve your perfomance skills. This does not only count for dancing, but it can work for you whenever you have to give a lecture or a presentation as well. Actually it will help you in your daily life as it does for presentations.

Watch the Video that I made for you, from a beautiful place in paradise.

Dance with your Head, Heart and Belly.

Click on the Video below:


I hope this concept serves you. I look forward to hear your comments.

Have yourself a lovely day!


