Spring is in the air, flowers are blooming, baby animals has been born, the sun is shining and I feel like having a party!  And to get you in the mood I thought let’s make a mini online class, with the ultimate party bellydance movement that you can use at any party and especially at the Bellydance party of June 4th. Enjoy this little gift.

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Let’s all celebrate this sparkling spring feeling at the bellydance party of June 4th at the beautiful Syrian/ Lebanese restaurant Syriana.

The Lebanese DJ Gaby (Arabnights) will make us dance.  You can put your ultimate party move  in practice and burn the floor with your shimmies. Of course you will be spoiled with great bellydance shows from a variety of international bellydancers. Yours truly (Aisa Lafour), Mena Leila, Jaqueline Lasko (BR), Shirley Zuhrira (NL), Marishka Sosnitskaya (UKR), Deborah (NL), Naomi (ARM) and Marciah Nuriah (BR). There will be a special mini turkish dance workshop with Aytac.

The party starts 20:00 h until 00:00 h short and sweet.  Before the party starts you can have a dinner at the restaurant of Syriana. Syriana offers a 10 % discount for the dinner. You can just call Syriana to reserve your dinner spot, mention that you are a party guest for the “Bellydance Party”.

For info and tickets click HERE!

I am really looking forward to dance with you!

